NSPC Children and Youth:

The goal for youth ministry at NSPC is that children always feel welcome and safe, because God loves them unconditionally, and therefore, so do we!

The children of NSPC are busy kids!  They attend Sunday School during church on Sunday, where Bible stories are taught in age appropriate and hands-on ways!    They have their own youth groups ("First Friends" for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten and "Kid's Group" for kids in 1st thru 5th grade) that meet monthly for faith and fellowship.  They come to our Vacation Bible School in June, where they spend a week together learning about Jesus.  Their laughter and energy permeates the corners of building and infuses our community! 

Our youth group members (6th grade and up) are leaders!  They come together to support one another, grow in their faith, and have fun!  Youth group goes on retreats to further their connections with each other and with God, they volunteer in our church community (including as our leadership and service team during VBS), they meet for breakfast and Bible study on Sundays, and they make sure they have social time with one another.  They are lucky to have one another and we are blessed to have them! 

To learn more about Youth and Family Ministries at NSPC, use the drop down menu under Children and Youth or visit our Facebook or Instagram pages.  And know that you are always welcome to join us!

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